March 13, 2011

Some of Second Year

I've been debating whether I want to cram all of these up into one post or not. I've decided to just make this one really long post. Not expecting anyone to read it, it's just nice to archive the ideas while they're still somewhat relevant in my head.

Figure Drawing 2:

This one is charcoal and conté on toned canson paper. Model in class. Really rushed. Somehow, six hours isn't enough.

Gouache, pastel, charcoal, and conté. It was mixed media day. Our professor was feeling experimental, so she put the model in front of this overhead projector with some funky lights hitting her face. I tried to ignore it.

This one is definitely not finished. There's a lot I wish I could've done, especially to his face, but it was only a one week drawing. Vine charcoal on Rives BFK.

I think I'm more okay about not finishing this one. I have a lot more to work on in terms of my drawing speed. Vine charcoal on cream BFK.

This one was a homework assignment. We were to do something experimental with a concept. I followed the above examples of unfinished drawings and used that to relate to Alzheimer's. It's not a very happy drawing. Vine charcoal on BFK.

This wasn't really for figure drawing, but I don't know where else to put it. Just a drawing I did over winter break. Micron pens on bristol.

Painting 1:

One of our first one week paintings from class. Using yellow and blue to paint values instead of black and white. Oil on canvas.

Four week painting. This isn't the finished version. Haven't gotten around to photographing it. Meh. Oil on canvas.

This is a self portrait that is part of a series. I didn't really use myself as a part of the concept but more as the most convenient model I could find on short notice.

This is the series. The numbers on their faces are supposed to be reminiscent of social security numbers (They're not real social security numbers.)

And actually, I've decided to post the obituary wall on its own. So that'll be up tomorrow.

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