October 11, 2008

A bit more home of coming.

More school related activities of course. I meant to write this blog last night after I got home, but I literally fell asleep in front of the computer. Of course, I woke up afterwards then turned off the laptop though. I was so tired. The day consisted of a pep rally, with lots of yelling and anticipation to see who would win the hallway float decorations. 2009 won of course, three years in a row. That probably doesn't mean a lot to anyone who isn't in my school, in my class. xD
The game was great too. I barely paid attention, but my friends decided to be insane and extreme dance every time some techno or the band played. It was so funny, a police officer came by to look us each in the eye. I think he thought we were on drugs or something. He laughed it off then went away. Our team ended up winning, causing a lot of yelling and shouting. I made a newish friend, Adam. No, not the average one. I already knew this kid, but I think the dancing and waiting for a ride really got us to know eachother.

I AM SO WEIRD AT NIGHT. Anyone who has had a late night conversation with me over skype, phone, or aim can vouch for that. I was talking to Adam about how the moon was talking to me. It went something like this:
"Adam, the moon is talking to me."
"What's it saying?"
"Wut up."

He then asked if I had a mental disorder. Yep, good times.

BTW, new video should be up today.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

i wish i was there D:
that a pretty two x]