October 13, 2008

How yo mom?

Well, as much fun as this week was, the weekend was completely unproductive. I'm home "sick" today (I actually just didn't feel like going to school). I know that's bad, but I really don't do this too often. Although I'm supposed to be taking an AP Psychology test in about an hour. Ehhh.

So Saturday night was homecoming dance. I have no pictures of it, sadly. It was a lot of fun though. They didn't play any techno. ;_;

But I DO now have pictures from the pep rally:
(Dancing to Brick House, of course.)

Sunday I had a MCSEA meeting, then hung around rockville doing homework, being the cool person I am. That was all the homework I did for the day though.

Currently surfing the internet, talking on aim and listening to Say Anything.
Homework yet? Nope.

How yo mom, anyway?


Justin said...

Mah mom is great, thanks for asking ^_^. I didn't have to skip school today because today is canadian thanksgiving <3 no school

Whitney said...

chagita took my advice<3
no school ftw :D

Bridget said...

i have no pics either
and there was no techno music at mine either. D:
