October 24, 2008


Ah yes, the photography blog. I've been so busy lately, but my school just had an art exhibit up. Three of my photos were put up, and it reminded me how much I love photography. Some girl I don't know asked if they were mine. She told me about how they inspired her and it just made me feel really good. I haven't taken anything new in a while because of the piles of work I have to do for school, but I've decided to make time for it more. Maybe after school or something though, this week looks pretty hectic.

This weekend includes applying for college on Saturday, a field trip to DC, friends' birthday parties, and Sunday has MCSEA meeting, and of course, tons of homework. =[ I probably won't be able to post a new video this week either. Today there's this photo competition that I was SUPPOSED to enter, but my incompetent photography teacher waited until the last minute to let us know that we have to print and mount our stuff by today. I only got two printed and mounted, the other two came out bad in the printer and now I'm pretty sure we missed the 5pm deadline. I left the photo room at 4.

Anyway, the stuff: Most of it can be found on http://xchago.deviantart.com




Whitney said...

send me that photo and i will love you forever...errr

Bridget said...

jealous of your photography D:

deviiwas; said...

heyy chagoo !

your photos are super boss!