October 18, 2008

A post about nothing.

I like blogging, it's fun. Except when I have nothing to blog about. These past few days have been particularly boring. The most interesting thing I did was watch Ace Ventura at Erin's house, go to a volleyball game, then watch Sweeney Todd at Vanessa's house. Everyone seems to be doing exciting things this week. Especially Whitney, with that whole Charlie thing, and now Meghan/the gathering. Today I posted a video. I hate editing them, all of them. Yet I'm the only one who can edit my videos because they wouldn't seem right if someone else did. I don't know, I'm just picky.

I've gotten a huge surge of ideas for videos recently, mostly mini collabs but I have no idea who to ask yet. Interested? eh. I don't want to spill what they're really about on here though.

Currently listening to Anberlin and watching political TV. I still miss having control over my TV.

I feel like doing a self portrait off of this:
But I'll be busy with school starting tomorrow.


Bridget said...

You need to fix your TV bad D:

Whitney said...

my week has been exciting x]
but dont worry, soon enough you'll meet ROCKINBLUEWIT and you'll be like zomg who is this hoe? hahahaha x]