October 15, 2008

Bury your head

Listening to Saosin. My favorite band in the world, if you didn't know.

Well it's been interesting. I've had a lot of thinking to do lately. I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm gonna be done with high school in only a few months. Compared to the amount of time I've already been in school, seven months doesn't seem long at all. The PSAT test was given today, and because I'm a senior, I didn't have to do it. We had a senior meeting instead, where we talked about graduation requirements, ordering caps and gowns, took our senior picture, and did senior superlatives. I heard that a lot of people were voting me for Most Changed. I think it's pretty true. If you knew me freshman year, you'd see the change from then till now.
Wow, look at Mr. Cool over there with his bats. Scary.

Anyway, that was then. This is now. I had no idea how early we would have to start preparing for this stuff. I'll be applying to college this MONTH, and getting all of my requirements ready. And I need to get that GPA up of course, yet this week I haven't been doing ANY homework. If I'm so desperate to get out of Maryland, why aren't I trying harder?

I do enjoy my senior year though. I was having a conversation with Ryan the other day. He was getting frustrated because of how routine his life was. I got that same feeling before do. Doing the same thing everyday, expecting the same to happen tomorrow and for a long time. Yeah, there are some spontaneous moments but eventually it just all blends together. I told him that I was kind of savoring it these days. Things may seem mundane and boring now, but in a few months, it won't be here anymore. I'll be off to college away from friends and family, doing something I've never done before. Being on my own. I guess I'm just trying to keep that home feeling for as long as I can before everything changes.

It's that typical, "I'm scared, yet excited" senior feeling.
Or maybe senioritis.


Whitney said...

i'm more scared then excited x]

Mallory Shoemaker said...

Scared and excited, hear, hear. That was me. Heck, that IS me. You're lovely. <3

Justin said...

I didn't really think much about my graduation year. Except for the finals being super incredibly difficult. They were worth 50% of our mark and pretty much killed all the hard work i did through the year. *blows up in frustration*