November 17, 2008

I got accepted. :D

Last week, a Morehouse college representative came over to our school and selected about eight guys who they were interested in seeing for an interview. I was one of the eight, and decided to go. Nothing to lose anyway, and I didn't have any homework anyway. I honestly wasn't expecting to get admitted into their school, LET ALONE getting a $17,000 tuition scholarship. That would be so great if that was the school I wanted to go to... but it's not. I had JUST heard about the school, but when I really looked into it, not only did it not have my major, but I found out it was way too prestigious, and all male. I'm not really a suit/leader of America type. Which is fine for Martin Luther, who attended there, but not me. I'm still waiting to hear from the schools I already applied to. The fact that I got accepted THERE was great though. Very encouraging.

Other than that, I need a haircut, I'm obsessed with chiptune, and I've been working on my ib art workbook all week. It's been my main priority for a bit, but I need to start focusing on my classes. I need a higher GPA if I wanna get that Gates Millenium Scholarship.

So much to doooooo.
I also got this new video editing software. Back in August, actually, but I'm just starting to use it now. If anyone wants to help me learn how to use that.. yeah, that'd be great. "Magix Movie Edit Pro 14"

AND, I'm going to El Salvador in a little less than two weeks. That's going to be funnn. Hot, but fun.

Doesn't fit at all, does it?


Whitney said...

you're growing up so quickly D:

Mr.Guess said...

What software?

ShutUpChago said...

Magix Movie Edit Pro 14.

I forgot to add it on there, haha.

Danny said...
