January 12, 2009

I am too busy

If you couldn't already tell. Two weeks into the new year, and the first would have to be one of the busiest weeks I've had all year. I stayed home most of the time, but I was crammed with work. Scholarship apps and essays, homework, studying for midterms, and trying to keep up with youtube. I really hate being busy.

I had to do an english presentation on femenism today, which wasn't bad at all. I was originally supposed to be in the third group to present on Friday, but I ended up stalling the other groups with questions until the class period ended. It was pretty funny and nerve wrecking at the same time. We were ready this time though. Quite honestly, I think my other group members sucked. But eh.

In other news, Rosy is moving in with me, Vanessa is cheating on Zak with Mitchell Davis, Jesus has been saved from the dragons, and Tranny 911 needs to get out of my head, like right now.


Danny said...

Being busy ain't that bad

HellYeahNessa said...

How am i cheating on him!? he's just my baby's daddy and that's it! There's no relationship behind it except the child support.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Chago, I know your busy, but would you please, read and follow my blog!

(It's something new & different)

Take care! Keep it up!