January 3, 2009

The skype contacts

Following by Leah's example. =]
Thoughts about my skype contacts in no particular order:

1. We've spoken like once or twice, and I don't really think we're going to again any time soon in the future. We're friends of friends, and you seem nice and all. But.. that's it.

2. You are a cool kid. I'm glad we started talking more and I hope we still do. I didn't have the right idea of you at first but you turned out being really cool and a good friend. I know we're gonna be better friends in the future.

3. Also a cool kid. I know not everyone really gets you, but you have good intentions. Sorry I don't talk to you with full attention most of the time. I could be nicer.

4. You're really cute. Wish we talked more, you seem very cool. We only speak to each other in group situations and that's always fun. I hope we can have more individual chats in the future.

5. I know your mind. You know mine. o_o

6. You're loud, talk a lot, and hilarious. We've been through a lot. You don't always think you're pretty, but I do. We have a lot of stuff to do this year, and I know it's gonna be fun.

7. I wish we talked more. You're super cool when we do it's great. And I love the group situations we do have. You're hilarious, and I'd like to see that side of you more often.

8. You're a spelling noob. I appreciate everything you do though. I don't really talk with anyone on the phone as much as I do with you. I'm happy that you can get on more often. We're gonna have to be internet friends once I leave. xD

9. Who ARE you!?

10. You were also one of my first friends on youtube. I think your hair is REALLY cool, but sometimes I wish we had more to talk about than just each others hair. I guess I could put in an effort to talk to you though. You are very special either way.

11. YOU are awesome. Great guy, and I can actually hold a conversation with you, regardless of it being on iminlikewithyou or 4am skype conversations.

12. I was horribly intimidated by you at first. It was the subscriber count. Now that I've been able to talk to you more, I see that you are an incredibly nice person. I worry about you here and then. You really know how to put on a brave face.

13. You confuse me. I know we're good friends and all, but I don't really get how you treat other people. It doesn't really bother me though, because you're cool either way. And your blogtv shows are always great.

14. I think we could be really good friends. When we do talk, it's cool. I have a feeling we could explode with insiders. Give Luigi a chance though.

15. We could go days without talking to eachother, but put in the same chatroom and we always explode onto each other. I love you, hope you know that you crazy freaker. I'm glad I make you laugh.

16. I've known you the longest out of everyone here. I'll be your friend forever. I feel sorry for how I treat you sometimes, but you're always a great sport. And a great support in whatever crazy idea or thing I throw onto you.

17. My absolute first friend on youtube. You will always be special to me. I know we don't talk as much as we used to, and I wish we did. You're really fun to talk to. At first I had no idea to expect because we were so different, but actually, we really aren't. You're open minded too and I love that.

18. I pick on you too much. And I don't give you as much attention as I mean to. You're a REALLY good friend of mine and I am a jerk for not letting you know so.

19. I'm glad you're back. We need to talk more. You're a cool cat, f'realz.

20. You're a cunt.


One D said...

you're pretty awesome :D

Rosy Octopus said...

I'm number 20, right? ^_^

ShutUpChago said...

Of course, Rosy. ^___^

Even though you're not.

feellinecancer said...

I have no clue =( can I get a hint?

ShutUpChago said...


Danny said...

I know some people you are talking about here